A little thank you goes a long way
Things like this happen sometimes
[4:27 PM] <SnowLprd> tBunnyMan: Nice work on #389. I can see how that will come in handy. :^)
[4:27 PM] <tBunnyMan> Thanks!
[4:28 PM] <tBunnyMan> I really just wanted a 404 and 50x error that matched my theme... but making it more extensible helps everyone
[4:28 PM] <tBunnyMan> I just need to finish this test case for it when work stops being annoying
[4:29 PM] <SnowLprd> Nice of you to generalize it for everyone, despite only needing it yourself for 404/50x errors.
[4:29 PM] <SnowLprd> And the test will also be most welcome! \o/
[4:32 PM] <tBunnyMan> Pelican is fairly awesome IMO, I hope I can help tweak it into epic levels.
[4:34 PM] <SnowLprd> With contributions like yours, those levels will be here in short order. :D
[4:34 PM] <tBunnyMan> haha. I'm not that good ;p Thanks for the kind words
[4:35 PM] <tBunnyMan> Catch you around. It's time to travel
[4:35 PM] <SnowLprd> Every little bit counts!
[4:35 PM] <SnowLprd> Sounds good. Cheers!
[4:36 PM] <tBunnyMan> It does. It's why I love contributing little things to big projects.
All I really was trying to do is add a very quick and simple feature I needed. This was the response I got for it! The thing is, you would be shocked how infrequently I see something like this… It’s this type of additude and behavior amongst developers that makes people WANT to work with eachother and help really grow a product.
I just wanted to post a little good will and show that some people rule. Expecially SnowLprd, kylef, bbinet, and doubly so alexis!